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UX/UI Designer

Zone IT is looking for UX/UI Designer

Ref. No.: 1941/2015
Location: Vienna/Austria
start: ASAP
Duration: 12 Months

Project tasks:


Your Profile:


Highly Beneficial:

Sounds interesting?

Please send your CV in English on address:
The perfect CV should include:

  • Education (time, name of the university, specialization),
  • Employment (duration, company name, industry, position, range of tasks),
  • Participation in projects (duration, the name and description of the project, technology, role in the project),
  • Knowledge of foreign languages ​​(spoken and written),
  • Knowledge of IT technologies: with your own assessment of the level of knowledge,
  • Certificates.

Przydatne pliki do pobrania:

Complete CV Knowledge of technology

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